Emergency Call - 155

International emergency number - 112

Pardubice Hospital

Address: Nemocnice Pardubice Kyjevská 44 Pardubice IV, 530 03 Pardubice

Bus connections: 2, 12, 27, 28, 99 (bus stop Masarykovo náměstí)


Medical Emergency for adults (NOT in the hospital area!)

Address: Pardubická zdravotní pohotovost s.r.o. - Erno Kostala 1014, 530 12 Pardubice-Dubina

Phone number: +420 466 989 000

Ordination hours:

Mon - Fri: 14.00 - 22.00

Sat, Sun, holidays: 10.00 - 22.00

Dental emergency

Address: Pardubická Hospital, building No. 17 (Multi-storey pavilion - basement, separate entry to the right of the main entrance)

Phone number: +420 466 015 207

Ordination hours:

Mon - Fri: 17.00 - 21.00

Sunday, holidays: 8.00 - 18.00 (12.00-13.00 lunch break)

Regulatory fee for automated shopping in building No. 15


Do not forget to bring with you - Passport/ID card, health insurance card !!!


Health Insurance

Registration to Central Register of Insurance

Obligatory for holders EHIC – European Health Insurance Card (EU, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, Liechtenstein), people from Serbia with document YU/CZ 111 and from Turkey TR/CZ 111

Attention:  It covers only emergency treatments. Regular medical check-ups or screenings are not covered !!!!


Reccomended - holders of travel/commercial insurance (if you are insured by Czech company you are already registered) but follow the instructions from your insurance company.


How to register?

You have to go VZP (provides registration to Central Register of Insurance)

Bring with you: passport/ID card

EHIC or printed documents mentioned above (YU/CZ 111, TR/CZ 111)

You have to get the Confirmation of registration with czech number of the insured (“Potvrzení o registraci s přiděleným českým číslem pojištěnce”)

How to get there?

Address: Karla IV. 73 Pardubice or just follow this document


If your country was not mentioned above and you DO NOT have travel insurance you:

  • Must close commercial health insurance with Czech health insurance company (Uniqua, VZP, do not do it with Slavia !!!)​
  • or get a confirmation from your home insurance company that they will cover treatments during your stay
  • or you have to pay for the full amount and then ask for a refund on your insurance ex-post